Why moving abroad is one of the best things you can do in your lifetime

As some of you might know, I have been living abroad for most of my life!

Whilst Spain isn't a new country for me as I lived in Barcelona for two years, it is still a new experience and I'm really looking forward to exploring a new city.The prospect of moving abroad again has got me thinking about how when I moved to Spain for the first time, it really opened up my world.

However, I can totally understand that for other people, even though they might find the idea of moving to another country enticing, it may still feel daunting, as it's such a big change in your life. That's why I wanted to write this blog post with my thoughts on this topic and some of my experiences. 

Why you should move abroad

View on Barcelona

Moving abroad will open your horizons. You will immerse yourself in a totally new culture, learn about it and perhaps even pick up a new language. There is no other experience in the world that opens up your mind more than living in a new country.

Understanding how other people live, in a different setting, will give you new and unique perspectives on life and society. Not only will this fuel a different way of thinking but it will enrich your life in a way that is hard to describe and can only be experienced.

When I first moved abroad to Barcelona, I felt like it was a great adventure and like I was somehow living the full potential of my life. That's why I will always be grateful to my first employer, who offered me this opportunity. Otherwise, I think that I wouldn't have done it. Sometimes you do need that extra push.During my time in Barcelona, I met amazing people and learned about the Spanish (& Catalan!) culture and language. I discovered a new city and I met my boyfriend, and I can truly say that it was an absolutely amazing experience. 

The difficult part

I can definitely understand if one might have doubts about leaving it all behind and starting a new adventure. After all, moving abroad means leaving behind your family, friends and all that you may know.Apart from that, you will need to get used to a new culture and way of living and make new friends.

However, if you have thought about it then there must be some part of you that is excited about the idea of moving abroad. If you feel conflicted, try to ask yourself: "Why do I have this yearning to emigrate?" It could be for the wrong reasons, like running away from problems you are facing currently, which is definitely not a great reason to move out of the country, and if that's your main reasons, perhaps you should reevaluate.Therefore, make sure that your reasons for potentially going abroad, include the desire to explore and learn. 

To give you a little taste - travel for a couple of months

If you are still unsure, then perhaps a good alternative - if you have the resources and time - is to go travel for a couple of months. Such an experience also broadens your views and it might help you to understand what you want in life.

Traveling for a long time is not as definite as moving abroad, but it does give you a little taste of what could be. It will give you a glimpse in another culture, and if after your travels you yearn for more, well then you know what you have to do ;)

Take the leap!

Are you thinking about moving abroad?

If you ever get the chance to move abroad but are having doubts because of various reasons, I would say: Take the leap! It used to be that moving abroad would mean saying goodbye forever to your family and friends, but nowadays with all the technology that is available and low-cost airlines, it is so much easier to stay in touch and visit each other. Your friends and family will have a good reason to travel now and visit you in wherever country you may be.

Obviously, I can't promise you that every move abroad is a life-changing event for the better. But then again, what's the worst thing that could happen? You can always move back home, your choice isn't irreversible.And I can promise you that even in that worst-case scenario, you at least tried it and you won't ever feel regret about never moving away. 

Are you thinking about moving abroad? Or have you already done so? Share your questions, experiences and other tips in the comment section below!

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